Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BRB Kids want....

Every so often I get ideas pop into my head, of what I want to Blog about, or something pisses me off and I think I can get it off my chest by blogging. I've lost count of the amount of times I have started a blog and then was pulled away from the computer, by one of my darling children. They seem to have these needs that take up a lot of time. (BRB gotta take Madi to the loo) So, after changing a shitty nappy, or picking up the entire contents of a plate of dinner off the floor, or having an argument and being told I'm the worst Mum in the world, I kind of lose my enthusiasm and hence, no blog!

So, okay this time I am writing it in Notepad cos I just happened to click on it, and saving as I go. With any luck, I may actually be (BRB have to get Max some biscuits) able to finish this and post it!

I had a rather interesting day today. (BRB twins need drink) I had a doctors appointment with my GP to get 2 referrals. The first one was for my Rheumatologist, who I saw last Monday. I hadn't realised that the referral had expired, again and so I will get charged the full cost of $90 for my visit and no refund from Medicare. (BRB have to go sort out a fight for more biscuits)

The second referral was to a foot and ankle specialist, my Rheumatologist had suggested. I have been having constant pain in my left ankle for (BRB have to go heat up dinner) about 18 months. I have had 3 ultrasound guided, steroid injections into my ankle, which I thought were very interesting to watch! Yes, I am weird!! So anyway, the first 2 helped a bit and the third, did nothing. So now my Rheumatologist and GP have decided its time to go see a specialist, to find out if they can help me. (BRB kids fighting)

Okay, so referrals written. "Is there anything else I can help you with today?" my GP asked me. Well, since you ask....LOL. I told her that recently I have had weird heart palpitations. She then asks me to describe what they are like. I am the worst person for describing my various pain etc because I am in pain of one form or another, pretty much all the time. The other thing is, I don't know which pain is related to what, half the time, or if different pain or twinges should even be mentioned. Aahh anyway, so I tried (BRB twins need drink) to tell my GP my symptoms as best I could. She then suggested I get a 24hr heart monitor put on to see what the problem is. After a phone call and another referral, I was out the door and on my way to a Heart Clinic to be wired up!

The procedure is very simple. (BRB need to clean dinner off of the floor) They stick these pads on your chest, attach some wires which are connected to a unit the size of an old style mobile CD player, which you get to wear around your neck or on your belt. So there I am, all wired up! I was given instructions, told not to bathe or shower and given a diary to fill out with any activity I do during that time. (BRB kids fighting) I was told to return with the unit, tomorrow morning, where they will remove it, download the information and give it to the cardiologist, who I am seeing on Friday!

So, I am looking at this diary...time of activity, type of activity and symptom experienced during activity, if any. Okay, sounds simple enough. (BRB Kids banging on window) Then I see that by activity, they mean EVERYTHING you do! Exercise, rest, eating, driving etc etc. You also need to include when you go to sleep and when you get up. A full diary of 24 hours of my life! Why didn't they just admit me to hospital for it? At least then I might have had a rest (BRB Kids trying to escape through sliding door) and could have written this Blog in a lot shorter time then it actually took, with far more interesting content!! :P


zuzu said...

You have stress levels up to the eyeballs! No wonder you are in pain. I can completely relate to this. Chronic pain, special needs kid, twin toddlers. Any chance of a holiday?

You are awesome.

Unknown said...

This is exactly how I blog. I open an entry in the morning and then save it as a draft, and then add to it whenever I get a brief moment to do so. Then at about 11:30pm I finally finish it and hit 'Post'. My kids fight like cat and dog and Felix is constantly trying to flush things down the toilet so midnight is my only quiet time. :)